Friday, March 28th, 2025

Testosterone medications like AndroGel, Axiron, Testim, and Fortesta are the products most widely prescribed to treat age related hormone decline in men, a condition know as andropause or adult hypogonadism. However, direct hormone replacement is not ideal for all patients. This often includes men looking to maintain fertility, or those with low testosterone caused by […]

It is perhaps the largest single action taken against a manufacturer of herbal sexual enhancement products.  On August 10th 2010, the FDA announced the voluntary recall of 21 different dietary supplements. At issue was the presence of an unlabeled drug called sulfoaildenafil. This compound is an unapproved analog of the popular erectile dysfunction medication sildenafil […]

The past couple of months appear to have been very active with supposed “research chemical” sites closing down. For those unfamiliar, the businesses I am referring to sell nonscheduled and unclassified drugs such as antiestrogens, aromatase inhibitors, and IGF-1/GH analogs. These drugs are normally sold only by prescription, or in the case of unclassified new […]