Sunday, February 23rd, 2025

Researchers in the United Kingdom recently completed an updated audit of the prostate safety data from the UK Androgen Study (UKAS). This was a long-term multicenter investigation into the treatment of age-related testosterone deficiency (hypogonadism) in men. The data was taken from a total of 1,365 men under treatment, with a mean age of 55 […]

Clinical studies supporting a health-protective role of testosterone in aging men are growing in number. This latest study examines the relationship between the serum bioavailable testosterone level and calcification within the arteries. Calcification, or the placement of calcium deposits along the artery lining, is an indicator of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). This change shows […]

There is an abundance of studies in the medical literature associating low testosterone levels with negative health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and increased mortality. We also find no shortage of papers linking testosterone replacement therapy with improvements in related short-term health markers such as blood lipids, adiposity, insulin and blood sugar […]